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Dry Martini 100ml
Dive deep into the essence of sophistication with our 100ml hand-crafted Dry Martini. This cocktail, a timeless classic, perfectly balances the clarity of premium gin with the nuanced undertones of dry vermouth. Gentle herbaceous notes dance with a whisper of citrus zest, creating a taste profile that is both refreshing and elegantly smooth.
The drink’s opulence is matched by its vessel: a masterfully designed glass bottle exuding a classy and high-end aesthetic. With its sleek lines and intricate detailing, this bottle isn’t just a container—it’s a statement. Here’s a Dry Martini that beckons the discerning to a journey of taste and luxury.
Dry Martini History
Ernest Hemingway described the Martini best “I’ve never tasted anything so cool and clean…They make me feel civilised”. It was James Bond’s drink of choice where the catchphrase “shaken, not stirred” was introduced in Diamonds Are Forever (1956), and then incorrectly referred to as “stirred, not shaken” in You Only Live Twice (1967), to Bond’s response “Perfect”.
The Martini rose to prominence during the 1950s and 60s when the ‘three-martini lunch’ was widespread. Whilst the stance on workplace drinking might have changed, our affection for the Martini hasn’t. An excellent tonic for those wanting to step back to a more sophisticated time.
Serving Suggestions
To serve, pour Dr Onyx Dry Martini into a mixing glass filled with ice. Stir, and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with an olive or citrus zest, squeeze to release the oils over the glass before you dropping it in.
Gin, Vermouth, Bitters, Water.
100ml, 30% Alcohol, Approx. 2.4 Standard Drinks.
Additional information
Weight | .4 kg |
Dimensions | 23 × 16 × 3 cm |
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Category: Cocktails